- Accueil Neo-Geo CD SNK - Neo-Geo CD (World) (-) Choisissez votre affichage: Nom: Taille 2020 Super Baseball (Wld) 259.09 Mo 3 Count Bout (Wld) 333.11 Mo Aero Fighters 2 (Wld).
- Popular Neo Geo CD emulators include Neo-RAGEx v0.2d for DOS, Neo-RAGEx Windows 9x Upgrade, Neo-RAGEx Windows XP Upgrade. View all Neo Geo emulators. Filter by letter.
Notch raised by the people rar. Logic pro x 10.3 dmg. Is it ideal to use this over a standard Neo Geo bios for things like FBA? I just added it to the neogeo.zip file, renamed it to 'uni-bios40.rom' and then copied the 'neogeo.zip' in to another folder and replaced the original 'uni-bios.rom' with the 4.0 'uni-bios.rom'version.
Neo Geo Aes Bios Download
Cool Rom Neo Geo Bios
Contents > NEO.emuImportant Note: Make sure to use Neogeo zipped rom sets from a recent MAME set like 0.144 and higher. Do not use sets from Neorage or FBA since they are not 100% compatible. Also do not unzip or rename any game files. Initial Setup: - Create a game directory on your device (named Neogeo for example), using a file manager app or your PC
- Obtain neogeo.zip from a recent version of MAME and place it in the directory. If you're having trouble finding the right one, search Google for 'MAME Bios'
- Obtain at least one game zip and place it in the directory, making sure it's on the compatibility list below. For example, if you want 'Metal Slug', you'll need the file mslug.zip
- Launch NEO.emu and select 'Load Game', then navigate to the directory you previously made and select the game zip you want to run
- Once you've navigated to the game directory, you may also select 'Load Game From List' to show the full titles for easier game selection
Neogeo-specific Options: - Emulate Timer: Enable the per-scanline timer used in some games for raster effects. 'Auto' enables it using a built-in list of games that require it (mostly soccer ones). Turn it off if you experience flickering graphics.
- Make/Use Cache Files: Create and use .gno cache files when loading a game. These files speed up loading and reduce memory usage of games but may not work with all games yet. Loading a game the first time without a .gno file present will take 2x-3x longer, but once created the game will load around 10x faster.
Q: I'm stuck with 4 credits, how do I insert more? A: When in console (AES) mode, you can't insert more credits just like the real Neogeo system. If you push start+select to access the Universe BIOS menu, most games have infinite life/credit cheats listed. Alternatively, to switch into arcade (MVS) mode: open the app menu, change the setting under Unibios Switches, and reset the game. Now push the select button to insert as many credits as you like.
Compatibility List (All sets were tested from MAME 0.144, larger ones require devices with at least 512MB of memory): OK | Runs, but has issues
| Doesn't work yet on all ports
Note: No current ports use the C core so all issues with it are now marked 'OK' Game Title
| Filename | Compatibility Note
| 3 Count Bout | 3countb.zip | 2020 Super Baseball | 2020bb.zip | Alpha Mission II | alpham2.zip | Andro Dunos | androdun.zip | Aggressors of Dark Kombat | aodk.zip | Art of Fighting | aof.zip | Art of Fighting 2 | aof2.zip | Art of Fighting 3 | aof3.zip | Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki | bakatono.zip | Bang Bang Busters
| bbbuster.zip | Bang Bead | bangbead.zip | Blue's Journey | bjourney.zip | Blazing Star | blazstar.zip | Breakers | breakers.zip | Breakers Revenge | breakrev.zip | Baseball Stars Professional | bstars.zip | Baseball Stars 2 | bstars2.zip | Burning Fight | burningf.zip | Crossed Swords | crsword.zip | Captain Tomaday | ctomaday.zip | Cyber-Lip | cyberlip.zip | Digger Man (prototype) | diggerma.zip | Double Dragon | doubledr.zip | Eight Man | eightman.zip | Fatal Fury Special | fatfursp.zip | Fatal Fury | fatfury1.zip | Fatal Fury 2 | fatfury2.zip | Corrupt Graphics | Fatal Fury 3 | fatfury3.zip | Football Frenzy | fbfrenzy.zip | Fight Fever | fightfev.zip | Battle Flip Shot | flipshot.zip | Galaxy Fight | galaxyfg.zip | Ganryu | ganryu.zip | Garou - Mark of the Wolves | garou.zip | Ghostlop (prototype) | ghostlop.zip | Goal! Goal! Goal! | goalx3.zip | Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer | gowcaizr.zip | Ghost Pilots | gpilots.zip | Gururin | gururin.zip | Ironclad / Choutetsu Brikin'ger | ironclad.zip | The Irritating Maze | irrmaze.zip | Lockup | Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster | janshin.zip | Jockey Grand Prix | jockeygp.zip | Lockup | Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid | joyjoy.zip | Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den | kabukikl.zip | Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite | karnovr.zip | Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle | kizuna.zip | KOF 94 | kof94.zip | KOF 95 | kof95.zip | KOF 96 | kof96.zip | KOF 97 | kof97.zip | KOF 98 | kof98.zip | KOF 99 | kof99.zip | KOF 2000 | kof2000.zip | Sound Issues | KOF 2001 | kof2001.zip | Missing Graphics | KOF 2002 | kof2002.zip | Sound Issues | KOF 2003 | kof2003.zip | Lockup | King of the Monsters | kotm.zip | King of the Monsters 2 | kotm2.zip | Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi | lastblad.zip | Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi | lastbld2.zip | League Bowling | lbowling.zip | Legend of Success Joe | legendos.zip | Last Resort | lresort.zip | Magical Drop 2 | magdrop2.zip | Magical Drop 3 | magdrop3.zip | Magician Lord | maglord.zip | Mahjong Kyoretsuden | mahretsu.zip | Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz | marukodq.zip | Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon | matrim.zip | Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger | miexchng.zip | Minnasan no Okagesamadesu | minasan.zip | Syougi no Tatsujin - Master of Syougi | mosyougi.zip | Metal Slug | mslug.zip | Metal Slug 2 | mslug2.zip | Metal Slug X | mslugx.zip | Metal Slug 3 | mslug3.zip | ARM Core is OK, Possible Lockups on C core
| Metal Slug 4 | mslug4.zip | ARM Core is OK, Possible Lockups on C core
| Metal Slug 5 | mslug5.zip | Lockup | Mutation Nation | mutnat.zip | NAM-1975 | nam1975.zip | Ninja Combat | ncombat.zip | Ninja Commando | ncommand.zip | ARM Core is OK, Random Lockups on C Core
| Neo Bomberman | neobombe.zip | Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory | neocup98.zip | Neo Drift Out - New Technology | neodrift.zip | Neo Mr. Do! | neomrdo.zip | Nightmare in the Dark | nitd.zip | Ninja Master's | ninjamas.zip | Over Top | overtop.zip | Panic Bomber | panicbom.zip | Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again | pbobbl2n.zip | Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move | pbobblen.zip | Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer | pgoal.zip | Pochi and Nyaa | pnyaa.zip | No Sound | Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin | popbounc.zip | Prehistoric Isle 2 | preisle2.zip | Missing Graphics | Power Spikes II | pspikes2.zip | Pulstar | pulstar.zip | Puzzle De Pon! | puzzledp.zip | Puzzle De Pon! R! | puzzldpr.zip | Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down | quizdais.zip | Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 | quizdai2.zip | Quiz King of Fighters | quizkof.zip | Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken | ragnagrd.zip | Real Bout Fatal Fury | rbff1.zip | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special | rbffspec.zip | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 | rbff2.zip | Riding Hero | ridhero.zip | Missing Graphics | Robo Army | roboarmy.zip | Rage of the Dragons | rotd.zip | Missing Graphics | Strikers 1945 Plus | s1945p.zip | Missing Graphics | Samurai Showdown | samsho.zip | Samurai Showdown 2 | samsho2.zip | Samurai Showdown 3 | samsho3.zip | Samurai Showdown 4 | samsho4.zip | Samurai Showdown 5 | samsho5.zip | Lockup | Samurai Showdown 5 Special | samsh5sp.zip | Lockup | Savage Reign | savagere.zip | Super Dodge Ball | sdodgeb.zip | Sengoku 2 | sengoku2.zip | Sengoku 3 | sengoku3.zip | Missing Graphics | Shock Troopers | shocktro.zip | Shock Troopers 2 | shocktr2.zip | Soccer Brawl | socbrawl.zip | Sonic Wings 2 | sonicwi2.zip | Sonic Wings 3 | sonicwi3.zip | Spin Master / Miracle Adventure | spinmast.zip | Super Sidekicks | ssideki.zip | Super Sidekicks 2 | ssideki2.zip | Super Sidekicks 3 | ssideki3.zip | Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship | ssideki4.zip | Stakes Winner | stakwin.zip | Stakes Winner 2 | stakwin2.zip | Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream | strhoop.zip | The Super Spy | superspy.zip | SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS | svc.zip | Lockup | Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy | tophuntr.zip | ARM Core is OK, In-game Issues on C Core
| Top Player's Golf | tpgolf.zip | Thrash Rally | trally.zip | Treasure of the Caribbean | totcarib.zip | Neo Turf Masters | turfmast.zip | Twinkle Star Sprites | twinspri.zip | Tecmo World Soccer '96 | tws96.zip | ARM Core is OK, CPU Crash on C Core
| Viewpoint | viewpoin.zip | ARM Core is OK, CPU Crash on C Core
| V-Liner | vliner.zip | CPU Reboots | Waku Waku 7 | wakuwak7.zip | World Heroes | wh1.zip | World Heroes 2 | wh2.zip | World Heroes 2 Jet | wh2j.zip | World Heroes Perfect | whp.zip | Windjammers / Flying Power Disc | wjammers.zip | Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok | zedblade.zip | Zupapa! | zupapa.zip | Missing Graphics | Needed BIOS Files (number in parentheses is CRC-32): If you wish to remove unused files in your neogeo.zip, these are the exact files currently needed by NEO.emu - 000-lo.lo (0x5a86cff2)
- sfix.sfix (0xc2ea0cfd)
- For Universe BIOS mode: uni-bios_2_3.rom (0x27664eb5)
- For MVS Japan mode : vs-bios.rom (0xf0e8f27d)
- For MVS USA mode : usa_2slt.bin (0xe72943de)
- For MVS Asia mode :asia-s3.rom (0x91b64be3)
- For MVS Europe mode : sp-s2.sp1 (0x9036d879)